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Last updated: June 30, 2017Edit
University of Victoria Tennis Team Back to Search
Team Photo Formed in 2006 by a freshman student, the UVic Tennis Club has seen major growth over the past five years, both in recreational membership as well as competitive team participation. The club had 80 members of all playing levels. Recreational level players play once a week under the supervision and guidance of the UVic team members. This allows for tremendous growth of the game on campus and in the city, while generating significant funds for team travel and court rentals. The team, in turn, rents court time with the generated funds in order to train twice a week in preparation for competitive events. We have competed in the United States and Canada on a national level. We will continue to operate as a multi-faceted club, serving all students at the university.2009-2010:
University of Victoria Invitational: 2nd
National Qualifier: 3rd
2008-2009 Accomplishments:
USTA Campus Championship - Pacific Northwest: Champions
University of Victoria Invitational: Champions
National qualifier: 2nd
2007-2008 Accomplishments:
USTA Campus Championship - Pacific Northwest: Champions
University of Victoria Invitational: ChampionsUniversity of Victoria Invitational Tennis Tournament is held in February. This will be UVic's 5th year hosting this tournament which is known for its high level of indoor tennis and the social post-tournament event.
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University of Victoria
Location:Victoria, Canada
Enrollment:20,000 - 30,000
Team Members:78
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